3 Reasons to Consider a Custom Shopify Theme

When it comes to ecommerce, your shop’s website is your storefront. It’s the first and sometimes only impression that customers will have of your business, so it’s important to make sure it looks great and reflects your brand in the best way possible.

One way to do that is by investing in a custom Shopify theme. Here are three reasons why you should consider doing that:

1. Custom themes allow for more creative control.

If you want to have full control over how your store looks and feels, a custom theme is the way to go. With a pre-made theme from the Shopify theme store, you’re limited in terms of what you can change and customize. With a custom theme, though, you work with a professional who designs everything to match your brand and vision exactly. You’ll achieve a design that is completely unique to your brand and needs, and you won’t have to worry about the limitations of a theme not built specifically with your business in mind.

2. A custom Shopify theme can help you stand out from the competition.

If you want your store to stand out from the competition, a custom Shopify theme is the way to go. With so many stores using the same out-of-the-box themes, a unique design can really help you stand out. And with Shopify 2.0’s new framework, it’s easier than ever to create a design that’s totally unique to your store. 

3. Custom themes are updated more frequently.

Shopify regularly releases updates for its platform, and those updates often include new features as well as bug fixes and security improvements. With a pre-made theme from the theme store, you may not get all of those updates – or you may have to wait for them to be ported over to your particular theme by the developer. With a custom theme, though, you’ll get all of the latest updates as soon as they’re released. This means that your site will always be running on the latest version of Shopify and will be as secure as possible.

So, if you’re a DTC brand looking for an edge on the competition, consider working with a professional to design a fully branded Shopify theme. It could be the difference between closing your first sale and watching your competitor take the lead. If you’re ready to take that step, we can help. As a Shopify partner, we’ll work with you to create the perfect theme for your brand that showcases your products in the best light possible. What features would you like in your online store? Let us know below!

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